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Responses to students should be at least 200 words in length. In addition, remember that this is a group discussion forum so be sure to ask questions or provide direction to your classmates as needed.
Forum 1: Topic Bullying in Public Middle School
In a sample of qualitative research, bullying in public middle schools can be obtained by surveying students through the school resource counseling center. For this sample, two local public schools will be used and both male and female students will participate. Using the age groups of 9-13, an interview style process will be used. There will be differing questions depending if the subject is the bully or the individual being bullied. Nonprobability sampling will be used in this qualitative research because the focus is on selecting relatively small samples in a purposeful manner (Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013), section 4.3). Correlation analysis of the data will be used to determine the hypothesis claim that bullying in public schools does exist and can be adjusted by educational programs and student counseling. The purpose of the sampling is to determine how many participants are bullied and how many do the actual bullying. After the survey is completed, measures can be taken to help both types of participants and to reduce bullying in public schools through education, individual, and group counseling. Although there are many anti-bullying campaigns in our public schools, bullying continues to exist and thrive. It may never be possible to stop bullying because human nature is the deep-rooted cause of the situation, however, awareness can curb some of the duress of the situation and possibly save lives. Bullying is detrimental for many and can be the cause of sadly, life loss. Reaching out to the middle-school child and making them aware that help is available does help. Also, these children need to know that they are not alone. The opportunity for survival and education must be brought to their attention. This survey and its results are important and will make a difference.
Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 9781621785743, ISBN-10: 1621785742.
Forum 2: For this discussion post I would like to introduce the topic of social media addiction. Yes, this is a topic that a lot of people can identify with. This topic affects many people either directly or indirectly in one way or another. Please do not get me wrong the advent of social media has connected the world in ways that it has never been before. There is a place for social media in modern society but it should not be something that overtakes one’s life. When choosing the sampling size of the group for this research topic I had to really think of what would produce the best research results. For these reasons I chose the criterion sampling method. A criterion could be a particular illness or experience that is being investigated, or even a program or a situation (Malec & Newman, 2013).
Since this topic is one that affects people on a global level the sample group should be large and very diverse. Thus, sample size depends more on what the researcher wants to know, the purpose of the inquiry, what the findings will be useful for, how credible they will be, and what can be done with available time and resources (Malec & Newman, 2013). Factors that need to be considered when conducting research on this topic would be the actual representatives that are chosen to participate in this research. For this research topic I would only select participants with severe to extreme cases of this addiction. This would allow all of the data that is collected to be consistent. During the research process the investigator should stay clear of any bias to receive true data results that can be valued as trustworthy. The purpose of this examination is to help people who use social media to the point that it has begun to negatively impact their everyday lives. (Links to an external site.)
Malec, T. & Newman, M. (2013). Research methods: Building a knowledge base. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 9781621785743, ISBN-10: 1621785742.